Avast security for mac how to
Avast security for mac how to


Unfortunately I cannot help Avast diagnose the root cause of the problem by leaving it installed so that diagnostics can be run. It was only after I realized Avast was the cause of these problems that I discovered this forum thread on the topic. until "on a hunch" I uninstalled Avast Security and found it resolved all the problems I was experiencing. The problem so severely interfered with my ability to use these computers productively that I came very close to wiping their hard drives and reinstalling everything. I am adding this message to the thread simply to make Avast aware that I too have experienced exactly the same issues described by the OP on my two MacBook Pros running Avast and MacOS Catalina.


There are two possibilities of what can be done:ġ) we can provide you with instructions how to gather additional information about the system at the moment the issue is manifesting and how to send it to us so that we can hopefully identify and fix the issueĢ) we can use professional remote support solution to access your computer under your supervision to do the data gathering from 1) for you, as well as to do some more analysis which is not really possible to do automatically. Additionally, please if you are able to reproduce it and are willing to help to fix this, contact me at ondrej.kolacek. Please if this is happening to you, send us support package ( ) mentioning the issue. We are not able to reproduce the issue, we assume it has to be some kind of interaction with something or it needs a specific configuration/environment to manifest. Regarding the "web stops working on Catalina" issue, unfortunately there is no solution for this yet. When I read that Avast (or Apple) have resolved this problem I may reinstall Avast, but not before. This was good, but rather than make a longer experiment I uninstalled Avast and resorted to another security product, which I have used now for two days without any problems whatsoever, a length of time during which I would have expected the browser/restart problem to have recurred two or three times at least had Avast been running. I switched off all shields in Avast, and the situation seemed to improve (the machine was stable for some hours).

avast security for mac how to

I don't presume to judge where the problem lies. This very inconvenient problem recurred many times, several times a day, and after careful examination of the situation, and a process of elimination, I realised that Avast was not interacting well with Catalina. On restart, which was slow, Avast would sometimes relaunch automatically and present its window, suggesting, I suppose, that it had been open at the time of the crash. This is of course not a pleasant experience. The Finder could not be restarted, and it was necessary to use the power off button to close the Mac down for restart.

avast security for mac how to


Disconnecting from the internet and reconnecting did not resolve the problem.Īt this point I would try to restart or shut down the Mac (MacBook Pro 15 inch, Mid 2014), but it would not restart or shutdown, hanging at some point after the Finder quit. Relaunching the browser after a force quit did not resolve the problem: the relaunched browser could not access the internet. Switching to another browser did not resolve the problem.įrequently, though not always, the browsers would refuse to quit. Other tabs would appear to work, for a while, but no new tab could access the internet. The live tab would without any pattern or apparent cause refuse to load a new page. In May this year I purchased Avast Security Pro, with a two year subscription, and used it apparently without problems until upgrading to Catalina in November, after which I began to experience frequent but only occasional and from my perspective random problems with Safari, and other browsers.

Avast security for mac how to